8 Apr 2008

Give Your Special Someone the Perfect Gift – Multiple Admins on Intense Debate!

We’re very pleased to make this new feature available. You asked for it, so you’ve got it! Now you can designate multiple admins for any single blog with Intense Debate. We’re making easier than ever to manage your blog’s comments with this new admin feature. Intense Debate just became the perfect commenting platform for your company’s blog (internal or external). With multiple admin capabilities, you can make moderating comments on your company’s blog easier than ever.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t just a great feature for companies. This is an amazing feature for anyone who needs to give another person admin access to their blog’s comments.

Think about it…managing your mom’s blog has never been easier! Helping your folks setup their answering machine and DVD player will still be a pain, but at least you’ve got blog comments covered. In fact, you owe it to yourself to set them up with Intense Debate. I mean, take a load off. You’ve got enough on your plate. Mind as well make something simple.

Blogging mom not a problem? Got an IT guy who ensures that your blog is running smoothly? Yeah? Well Intense Debate is perfect for you. Now you can give him his own login to help manage Intense Debate on your blog.

Don’t have a blogging mom or an IT guy? Multiple admins is still something for you. Do you have that special someone that has been pushing you to take things to the next level, but you’re just not ready for marriage and certainly not ready to move in together? Problem solved!

Give them the gift of making them an admin of your Intense Debate account. It’s perfect really – you’re showing them that you trust them without giving up your account info. It’s the gift that says, “I trust you and want to bring you into my life, but I’m at a point where I still need some personal space.” It’s the perfect way to say, “I’m willing to baby step it to the next level. Keep your chin up. Who knows? Marriage may be right around corner!” And remember, Intense Debate makes it easier than ever to remove an admin, just in case things don’t work out (I mean let’s face it, sometimes even the best laid plans don’t pan out).

Setting Up Multiple Admins
Here’s how you setup additional admins for your blog using your Intense Debate account. Once you login to IntenseDebate.com, select the tab that shares the same name as your blog. This tab will be to the right of the “All Blogs” tab. Once you’ve selected the tab named after your blog, you will notice the following new tabs: “Overview, Moderation, Comment History, Settings, Tools, Comment Theme, Widgets.” Select the “Settings” tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the right side of the page you’ll find “Add another blog admin.” Just enter in the email address of the person you want to add as an admin, select the “Promote User” tab to the right and you’re all set.

As always, we’d love some feedback. Leave us a comment below and let us know what you think!

Posted by Michael Koenig in features

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1 Comment »

  1. I love it!

    Comment by Chris — March 2, 2012 @ 2:09 am

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